Emerging Writer: Tips from the experts


As part of Science Calling’s Emerging Writer series, I asked top editors, writers and bloggers for one tip they would give to new writers. Here’s what they said:

Claire O’Connell @claireoconnell

Science Journalist who contributes to The Irish Times and Silicon Republic

“Think about how you would explain what you are writing about to a five-year-old kid. Of course though, that doesn’t mean writing the article for a 5yo. It is just a good way of thinking about simple explanations.”

John Timmer @j_timmer

Senior Science Editor at Ars Technia

“Talk to as many other writers as you can. Experience is the best teacher, and you can benefit from the experiences of others.”

Kevin Mitchell @WiringTheBrain

Neurogeneticist and science blogger

“Know your audience: Don’t over-estimate their knowledge but don’t under-estimate their intelligence.”

Mary Mulvihill @marymulv / @ingeniousie

Science journalist and award-winning author

“Keep your audience in mind, all the time. What do they know about this topic? What do they need to know? And, most importantly, what will this (news, or research) mean for them?”

Khalil A. Cassimally @notscientific

Community Manager of SciLogs.com

“Write to make a difference (and remind yourself of this aim in hard times).”

Lou Woodley @LouWoodley

Communities Specialist for Nature.com


“Read, read, read! Be curious about how other writers use language and different writing styles.”

The Emerging Writer series begins on 25th March and will run for two weeks. Click here for more information.

For extra tips, see the Guardian’s secrets of good science writing series!